6th Grade:
7th Grade:
8th Grade:
English Language Arts: C. Alford , K. German, C. Spry
Math: V. Stanley and M. Morco
Science: L. Genwright and K. McLaurin
Social Studies: V. Smith and M. Thompson
E L A: K. Buchanan and T. Stennnett-Campbell
Math: K. Evangelista and B. Johnson
Science: S. Evangelista
Social Studies: A. McDonald
E L A: R. Coleman and K. Heslop
Math: L. Genwright and D. Reaves
Science: R. Selda and S. York (Elevate)
Social Studies: J. Yager and (Elevate)
Exceptional Children and Resource
R. Cue
S. Houska
R. Storms
A. Wade
D. Wiggins
V. Goodwin - Visual Arts
S. Bullard - Band
T. Brown- Computer and Keyboarding
A. Whittington - Physical Education
N. Platt-Covington - Chorus
M. Sellers - Physical Education
D. Tingle-Theatre
K. Covington-Bethea-Media Arts