Once again, our science team came up with amazing and fun activities that demonstrated how literacy is important to science.
Activity #1: Describe and Draw
Description: This is a pair activity. The first person will be assigned to look under the microscope and describe what he/she sees to his/her partner. His/her partner will be given a marker and bond paper to draw what his/her partner is seeing under the microscope. The first person is not allowed to look at what his/her partner is drawing unless the time is over. This is a 3-minute challenge activity.
Activity #2: Pass the Message Challenge
Description: 4 Players for each team are needed. The representative that wins the toss gets the chance to pick the phrase. They should wait for the signal “GO” before they whisper the phrase to their teammate. The last member of the team will write and recite the phrase. The first group to say the correct phrase will be the winner.